Palestine Oasis
THE BASIS OF ZIONISMThe Messianic Ideal in History
SINCE the goal of the Jewish Messianic ideal is world domination of all Gentile States, it was necessary to destroy the foundations upon which those States rested. Up to the time of the so-called "French" Revolution, the bases of national life in most European States were those of Throne and Altar. That there were abuses and often suffering under this system is undoubtedly true, but there was never any justification for the complete destruction of these principles, Whatever evils existed could have been corrected without shedding rivers of blood.
It is significant that the first organised revolt against Throne and Altar in Europe should be that of Oliver Cromwell, who was financed and spied for by the Jews Carvajal and Mennasseh ben Israel. Having overthrown the monarchy and done his best to destroy the Church of England, Cromwell, in the teeth of violent opposition from even his own supporters, allowed the Jews to return to Britain, from whence they had been banished by King Edward I in 1290. The subsequent reigns of Charles II, James II and particularly that of William III, saw a fresh influx of Jews into Britain, accompanied, of course, by a rise in Jewish financial power. Under the reign of William III the Bank of England was started.
In Cromwell's time (mid 17th Century) the idea was current in Jewish circles that the long-awaited Messiah would arrive. Indeed a number of spurious" Messiahs" actually appeared, to the great confusion of the Rabbis.
Jewish Messianic ideals found a valuable propaganda medium in Freemasonry, reorganised on a "speculative" basis in 1717. Under the mask of liberalism' Voltaire, Diderot, d'dlembert, Mirabeau and many others, all masons, strove to bring about the very state of affairs most favourable to Jewish Messianic aims. Such Jews as Moses Mendelssohn (grandfather of the composer) and the banker Itzig, and in England, Falk, the father of modern Zionism, preached the emancipation of the Jews and played an important role in preparing the French revolution of 1789. One of the first acts of the revolutionary government was to emancipate the Jews, on the ground that "they had played an important part m overthrowing the monarchy."
The emancipation of the Jews brought about many unforeseen changes m Jewish communal life. Emerging from the ghettos to find themselves suddenly in possession of wealth formerly belonging to the Church and Aristocracy, many Jews found the interference of the Kehillahs irksome, and tended to disassociate themselves. This weakened discipline of Jewry was restored by Napoleon's attempt to find a solution of the Jewish Question.
Napoleon's attention had been drawn to the sufferings of the French peasantry in Alsacz and Lorraine, in the grip of Jewish usurers. In an attempt to investigate and solve the Jewish problem in his Empire, he called the Grand Sanhedrin in 1806-7. This not only united Jewry in Europe but also brought the powerful Masonic lodges to plot against him. The monarchist reaction which followed Waterloo was but a temporary expedient. The Napoleonic wars had witnessed the rise of the financial power of the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers. Making full use of the lodges and the liberal dupes who thronged within them Jewish power produced the upheavals of 1830, 1848 and 1851. In each case the object was to destroy all the principles to which Christian communities clung by tradition, and in each case also, the final result was that more power passed into Jewish hands. The emancipation of Jews in the various European countries, except Russia, followed these revolutions.
In 1864 the first International was founded by Karl Marx and other Jews. Thus the legitimate discontent of the labouring masses was used as a means of furthering Jewish Messianic aims. In France, Adolphe Cremieux, Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and a member of the Rite of Nlizraim, founded in 1860 the Alliance Israelite Universelle (Universal Jewish Alliance Cremieux had been active in the revolution of 1848, and). later pushed the "Carbonarist" Napoleon III into power, hoping to be nominated chief minister. He afterwards conspired against the Empire.
Introduction of "National Home" Idea
About this time the Jewish leaders, feeling that their hold over the "lesser brethren" again needed tightening up, organised between 1843 and 1869 a group of Universal Brother-hoods and secret societies. To the non-Jews these were presented as organisations for the enlightenment and advancement of Jewry, and also for the settlement of Jews in Palestine. Much of their literature was calculated however to revive the hatred of non-Jews which is a dominant feature of the Talmud and Schulchan Aruch.
A number of colonies and schools were also founded in Palestine by the Rothschilds Alliance Israelite Universelle, and Baron Hirsch a German Jew who had made a colossal fortune from German industrial interests in Turkey. His Ottoman bonds, which ruined so many small French investors, are still remembered today.
In Russia and Poland, the reactions of a peasantry exasperated by the frauds and extortions of Jewish usurers, rallied thousands of Jews round the Synagogue amid cries of anti-Semitism which, as the Zionist leader Herzl once remarked," always gathered the sheep into the fold."
Meanwhile Zionism was active under the society known as the Friends of Zion (Hoveve Zion). In 1884 the Eastern and Western groups of Jews met at Kattowitz, but no union took place. Indeed the Western Jews, whose views were influenced by long contact with Frenchmen, Englishmen and Germans, were alarmed at the violent nationalism displayed by the Eastern Jews who openly advocated Palestine as a Jewish super-State dominating the world. The Eastern group became allied to the Alliance Israelite Universelle through the medium of Asher Ginzberg, who had been introduced into it by the Zionist Charles Netter in 1883
In 1889 Ginzberg founded in Odessa, the headquarters of the Friends of Zion, the B 'ne Moshe (Sons of Moses), a secret Society. It began with seven members, all carefully chosen for their knowledge of Hebrew and their entire devotion to Jewish Messianic aims. The name of the society probably suggested by the belief which for centuries was current in Jewish circles that in some secret spot was a small colony of Jews directly descended from Moses, who held the secret spot was a small colony of Jews directly descended from Moses, who held the secret means by which Jewry could conquer and subjugate the whole world.
To the B 'ne Moshe Ginzberg imparted his programme for the regeneration of Jewish nationalism, the basis his campaign for world domination. Recruits were carefully chosen among Eastern Jews and lodges were founded in many towns in Russia, Galicia and Poland. In Austria, Natham Bimbaum (Who had coined the name Zionism) was organising a Zionist body among Jewish students.
A rival to Ginzberg appeared, however, in the person of Theodor Herzl. Herzl had been active in Paris during the Dreyfus case in 1896, in collaboration with Dr. Blowitz, the famous Jewish correspondent of The Times. Herzl was the type of semi-assimilated Jew, cautious and diplomatic, as opposed to Ginzberg, whose methods were those of the notorious "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Herzl's book, the Jewish State (Das Judenstat), published in 1896, caused the Friends of Zion in Odessa to adopt him as their leader.
In 1897 the First Zionist Congress was held at Basle and Herzl was elected President. At this congress the fasten group was more numerous and Herzl failed to secure unity. The two groups remained divided under Herzl and Ginzberg, the" moderates" and the" whole-hoggers."
Herzl, although discouraged by: his failure to unite the two groups of Jews, entered Into negotiations with the governments of several countries to obtain a national home. He failed to secure Palestine from the Sultan, or the- El Arish Peninsula from the Khedive of Egypt, but the Bntish Government offered him Uganda. This proposal was put before the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 and turned down. Ginzberg would have Palestine or nothing. Herzl died in 1904, having foreseen the splitting up of Turkey and the control of Palestine by Britain.
In the meantime, the Russian revolution of 1905 was being organised by the Zionists. Jewish agents had honeycombed the Russian army and government, and the disasters of the Russo-Japanese war provided an opportune moment for the outbreak. It was suppressed, however, and the headquarters of Zionism were moved to Berlin. Jacob Schiff, one of the heads of the New York Jewish banking firm of Kuhn Loeb and Co., had financed Japan against Russia.
Ginzberg's violent nationalism steadily overcame the moderate economic Zionism of Herzl and when Ginzberg visited the eleventh Zionist Congress in 1913 he saw that his ideas were triumphant, keeping apart from public notice he watched his disciples, Weizmann, Sokolow, Simon, Jabotinski, Ussitchin and Levin steadily carry out his programme until his death in 1927 in a Jewish Palestine.
The Zionists were well prepared for the coming war. Speaking at the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903, Max Nordau had said:
"... let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward : Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the Peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."