Palestine Oasis
Place of Refuge All Population of which
(1998) Refugees
Occupied Palestine (1948 ) 953 497 200 000Gaza Strip 1 004 498 766 124
West Bank 1 596 554 652 855
Jordan 2 328 308 1 741 796
Lebanon 430 183 408 008
Syria 465 662 444 921
Egypt 48 784 40 468
Saudi Arabia 274 762 274 762
Kuwait 37 696 34 370
Other Gulf 105 578 105 578
Iraq, Libya 74 284 74 284
Other Arab Countries 5 544 5 544
The Americas 203 588 173 050
Other Countries 259 248 220 361
TOTAL 7 788 186 4 942 121
Two thirds of the Palestinian are refugees not allowed to return home because they are not Jews. Meanwhile, Russian and Ethiopian immigrants are pouring in daily.
Last updated 1 January 2000 Written and
Designed By Rafic Adnan El-saleh
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